Favorite Book Covers and Why


This week I’m back to blogging with the Long and Short reviews challenge. Check out some of the other bloggers by following the link.

There are a lot of book covers that I like for a variety of reasons. I love hardcover books, old books, those fancy, expensive art books too. And because I am an SF fantasy fan, I occasionally buy books featuring the art or costume design of a favored franchise. For this post, I decided to pick a genre: historical romance.

I love history. I think what I love about historical romance covers, admittedly, is the clothes. There is just something about long flowing dresses that look so beautiful on a cover. So I picked a few.


 I’ve been reading Beverly Jenkins novels for a long time. Her contemporaries are good; but my love is for her historical romances. She writes deep complex characters and had so much information about African American history. Love them. 



Alyssa Cole writes multicultural romance across the board. Contemporary, historical, paranormal, IR/MC romances, LGBT romances. 



PJ Dean writes SF romance, but also historical romance.  I particularly loved this one and she has so much original research about African American history in the early Americas and Native American history.


Piper  Huguley writes inspirational romances. A few historical and some contemporaries.


Vanessa Riley. This hadn’t been on my radar but it’s a regency. Regency romance has never been my thing, but I’m willing to expand my horizons.


Roslyn Hardy Holcomb  and Lisa G. Riley have a series which is historical paranormal, The Eshu Chronicles. 


And here’s another Beverly Jenkins just because her covers are always lovely.

13 thoughts on “Favorite Book Covers and Why

  1. Love Beverly Jenkins’s books. I’ll have to check out the others. Yes, the flowing dresses and period costumes are fantastic. I’m pretty sure I don’t want to try to wear those corsets, though. Lol!

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  2. I’m in such illustrious company. It’s a shame the industry is STILL moving at the speed of molasses in its thinking when it comes to true acceptance of non-white romance writers.and the mindset is shared by industry “professionals” and readers

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  3. Ah yes! The covers of historical romances . . . *sigh* I saw one just yesterday. I almost bought the book just because I loved the dress on the cover. Beautiful and flowing, with almost nothing on top. All that fabric in the skirt and not enough to cover the shoulders. It was really awesome. Too bad the blurb didn’t grab me near as much as the dress on that cover.

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