My Earliest Memories


I have lots of memories and over time it becomes difficult to remember what order they happened in, but I do have a few that stand out.

I remember my mother taking me to get my first library card. We had to walk (only one family car at the time). My mother pushed my sister in the stroller and held me by the hand and took me to the library every week. When I was about six, I was allowed to get my own children’s library card and I was so proud.

I remember my father taking me to get my first bicycle. It had training wheels and I fell down a lot but he taught me to ride it. 

I remember spending summers with my grandmother. She had a black walnut tree in her garden, and we used to collect the good ones. Black walnuts are rare now and it you haven’t had black walnut ice cream you’ve missed out. I also had to get up early and feed her chickens.

I remember my father worked long hours, so I didn’t get much time with him. I do remember he and I watching Star Trek together when he came home from work. My mother would cook dinner and we sit down and debate Kirk vs. Spock. This was back in the days of syndication so you only got to see the same episodes played over and over again (MUDD’S WOMEN/AMOK TIME) and you had to wait for the rare time to see some o the best (THE ENTERPRISE INCIDENT byD.C. Fontana – one of the female trasilblazers of SF who passed away this past week. )

9 thoughts on “My Earliest Memories

  1. I’ve never had black walnut ice cream, but there are black walnut trees all over our local metropark. I know because I end up raking them off the cross country running trail when the kids have a meet. 🙂 They make everything black if you touch them.

    Good memories. Getting your first library card is huge. 🙂


  2. My grandparents have a black walnut tree! I don’t remember if I’ve ever tasted their walnuts, though.

    And getting your first library card must be a very fun memory to have.

    My post.


  3. I remember black walnuts (and the color they turned my fingers, lol). And Star Trek, man. Loved that show! These are good memories.


  4. Black walnut ice cream is so good! And I had to smile at the Star Trek memory. What did my dad watch? The People’s Court and Benny Hill. I often wonder if that’s why my sense of humor is so skewed. 🙂


  5. I have fond memories of trips to my local library; I hope my boys will, too. For shared TV time, I remember staying up late on weekends so we could watch Doctor Who (and maybe The Young Ones, or BlackAdder, or Red Dwarf).

    My response is here.


  6. Star Trek with Dad is a real GenX memory. Mum took me to the library, but Dad introduced me to SFF. Which was an awesome combination. 🙂


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